


suggestion: randomize map for each level

BobtheBunny opened this issue ยท 2 comments


It would be great if there was a way to randomize the maps for each level. I assume the base code has an array it picks from. It might generate them when it starts the adventure based on the type (forest, sewers...), but I'm hoping we could pass it an array for each level.

For example I'd like to have 1st floor be a random boss map from Elven, 2nd floor random boss map from Sewers, and 3rd be random boss map from Forest.


As a further feature for this, it would be great to be able to select by map size too. I'd like to be able to put together a fast-to-play game using only the smaller-sized maps.


Just to keep it simple the function could take in arrays for each level, and it would be up to the modder to decide which map names to add to the arrays. If you want small maps, then only add small maps to the arrays. That has the most versatility.

If we had some sort If key word for small maps and large maps that would be cool too though! It would just have to be defined as an array of those map names.