[Bug]: mono assertion for Unity 2021.3.12f1 (and above?) IL2CPP games
alextusinean opened this issue ยท 3 comments
All of the following criteria must be met
- All Requirements must be installed.
- Full
file included. If no file exists then leave this unchecked and state so.
All of the following are optional to answer
- Tried reinstalling the Game.
- Tried reinstalling MelonLoader.
- Tried restarting PC.
- Was able to see the Start Screen.
Describe the issue.
The mono assertion is only printed on the console:
* Assertion: should not be reached at ..\mono\mini\tramp-amd64.c:229
Did you attach your log file?
- Yes, I attached my log file to the text box above.
- No, I could not find a log file at
This is also the case for me, apparently it's a case of a newer unity version braking Melonloader, hope it's fixed soon since I've got people asking me about the game that I'm modding for.