[Bug]: [17:27:40.372] [Custom_Maps] [ERROR] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at CustomMaps.CustomMaps.OnSceneWasLoaded (System.Int32 buildIndex, System.String sceneName) [0x00005] in <aae81561c5984e49ab049ae33835dc15>:0 at MelonLoader.MelonEvent`2+<>c__DisplayClass1_0[T1,T2].<Invoke>b__0 (MelonLoader.LemonAction`2[T1,T2] x) [0x00000] in <6425afb6ac6a429aaf770255d2f7de57>:0 at MelonLoader.MelonEventBase`1[T].Invoke (System.Action`1[T] delegateInvoker) [0x00018] in <6425afb6ac6a429aaf770255d2f7de57>:0
CadenMcAllister opened this issue ยท 3 comments
All of the following criteria must be met
- All Requirements must be installed.
- Full
file included. If no file exists then leave this unchecked and state so.
All of the following are optional to answer
- Tried reinstalling the Game.
- Tried reinstalling MelonLoader.
- Tried restarting PC.
- Was able to see the Start Screen.
Describe the issue.
When I launch Boneworks I am met with this issue when loading into the start screen. It only occurs when I am trying to install custom maps. This might not be the right place to ask this, and I am sorry if it is not. However I have not been able to find a solution to this anywhere else.
Did you attach your log file?
- Yes, I attached my log file to the text box above.
- No, I could not find a log file at
this is the wrong place. this is an issue with a mod, not melonloader. please go to the modding server for the game, can be found on the wiki or our discord.