[Bug]:ではなく質問 Android および Oculus Quest のサポート て書いてますができません
yuyop123 opened this issue · 2 comments
All of the following criteria must be met
- All Requirements must be installed.
- Full
file included. If no file exists then leave this unchecked and state so.
All of the following are optional to answer
- Tried reinstalling the Game.
- Tried reinstalling MelonLoader.
- Tried restarting PC.
- Was able to see the Start Screen.
Describe the issue.
Oculus Quest 2 にどうやったら認識されますか
Did you attach your log file?
- Yes, I attached my log file to the text box above.
- No, I could not find a log file at
Please form your questions in English, and don't file bug reports for questions. The Quest runs android, and you'll find a server for an Android fork of MelonLoader on the wiki