


[Bug]: MelonLoader crashes abruptly while loading The Long Dark

SlavBerd opened this issue ยท 1 comments


All of the following criteria must be met

  • All Requirements must be installed.
  • Changed the title so that it doesn't just says "[Bug]: "
  • I have searched the GitHub issues for my bug, even in the closed issues.

All of the following are optional to answer

  • Tried reinstalling the Game.
  • Tried reinstalling MelonLoader.
  • Tried restarting PC.
  • Was able to see the Start Screen.

Describe the issue.

Trying to use mods in The Long Dark, MelonLoader opens for a few seconds before closing in the middle of loading the mods. Removing the specific mods that it crashes while loading does not change the time it takes before crashing.

Did you attach your log file?

Yes, I attached my log file to the text box above.


That's a lot of mods. We don't make mods. This is only for issues with MelonLoader itself. If you are experiencing issues without mods, please open another issue.