


Black Screen On Startup

TechnoAlchemisto opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I'm receiving a blackscreen on startup, and the following error in the console:

[20:21:52.708] [574512:HouseRules:_Configuration] [ERROR] System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: bool .MotherbrainGlobalVars.get_IsRunningOnDesktop()
at HouseRules.Configuration.ConfigurationMod.OnSceneWasInitialized (System.Int32 buildIndex, System.String sceneName) [0x00000] in <227e2e7519314092977dbadc97079902>:0
at MelonLoader.MelonEvent2+<>c__DisplayClass1_0[T1,T2].<Invoke>b__0 (MelonLoader.LemonAction2[T1,T2] x) [0x00000] in <6425afb6ac6a429aaf770255d2f7de57>:0
at MelonLoader.MelonEventBase1[T].Invoke (System.Action1[T] delegateInvoker) [0x00018] in <6425afb6ac6a429aaf770255d2f7de57>:0

Any assistance would be appreciated.


Hi @TechnoAlchemisto - We need to make a new 'release' as currently you have to download the build artefact from to get a working version. If you've already done that, please let us know and we'll take a more detailed look at the problem.


Hi @TechnoAlchemisto - We need to make a new 'release' as currently you have to download the build artefact from to get a working version. If you've already done that, please let us know and we'll take a more detailed look at the problem.

That fixed the console error!

I still have the black screen though, but that could be either a mod problem or a Demeo problem.


That DLL solved the issue. Thanks so much for your help!


Could be a melonloader problem. I haven't actually played Demeo since the last update was released, but I know that @TheGrayAlien found an issue with Melonloader. If you head over to our discord channel, there's a pinned message from 22nd Feb which has an alternative Demeo.dll which apparently fixes the blackscreen issue.