


this.vessel always null during flight state, in onWindow function

austizmo opened this issue ยท 4 comments


For some, as yet unknown, reason, this.vessel is null when switching to the flight view, resulting in an empty CLS window.

The above commit resolves the symptom, but I'm still unsure why this.vessel isn't being built correctly in the first place, nor why a subsequent call to the rebuild function succeeds when, presumably, an earlier call failed.


Thanks for raising this issue. I am surprised at what you say, as I have had it working fine in flight, and i believe that the CLSVessel should get rebuilt in response to the OnVesselLoaded event.It would be really helpful if you could provide a few more details, or step by step instructions to reproduce the issue.
I have made a few changes to CLS today, so I will get all my changes tidied up and then retest for this issue.


OK, I see what is going on and I have reproduced the probem.It seem that while going to the launch pad from the VAB fires the OnVesselLoaded event, switching to a vessel, or going to it from the trackingstation does not. I will investigate.


Fixed buy sinking the OnVesselReady event.


Confirmed. Thanks for the fix, and sorry I didn't have a chance to provide more detail.