


More descriptive documentation for CFG file writing required

MDBenson opened this issue ยท 4 comments


The CFG file variable documentation is not very clear, I had to guess at several things. It could do with a clearer and more concise layout. Not a major issue but it'd make config writers' lives a tad easier :) Also they are in a file buried in the mod directories.

I haven't needed the API docs for the DLL but they didn't look that clear either and are on the forum.

It would very likely be beneficial to all developers working with CLS if the documentation was cleaned up and kept in one easy to find location that could be linked from other places. Why not use the wiki or system included with GitHub?


Thanks for this.
There is a HOWTO file that describes the various options, did you take a look at that. If so, it would be helpful if you could explain exactly which points were unclear. Even better - if you would like to suggest improvements you would be my hero.
I am not sure how settled I want to get on Github, or if I will move to the curse alternative that is being talked about, but if I stay here then using the wiki would be a good idea.


I did read the HOWTO, that took me a while to find because it was in the configs folder not supplied inth e root fo the ZIP. I didn't find it described the options that well to my mind. The specific thing I was really confused about was in the CFG you can state:

impassable nodes = bottom

It gave an example but as faras I could tell it didn't state that the optin was stackable using a comma seperator eg:

impassable nodes = bottom,side

You aren't the only one, ModuleManager has just passed over to a new maintainer and their docs are all over the place but the current owner is at least slowly building the docs up on GitHub using the Wiki. Anything that's clearly laid out and in a central location for both API users and CFG users would be really beneficial and would greatly improve people's adoption rates. One reason I'm currently slaving over a hot keyboard with CLS is a lot of people aren't using it when they should.


OK, thanks for this, I will make some changes.


I have made some improvements to the config HOWTO.