DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


Spectator bugged - stuck in initial orbit position

JoshBlake opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Spectating another player's vessel in orbit in 4c53431 is broken:

From tracking station (or after docking or map view "switch to"), spectate a vessel in orbit with another player in it. Once it loads, the camera will be stuck in the orbital position of the vessel at the time of loading.

There may or may not be a static dupe of the vessel there (can't control it, it doesn't move or follow the real vessel which is 10's of km away after a few seconds.) When I got to spectate via a successful docking, there was no vessel dupe. When I got there via tracking station, there was.

I could get out of this by going back to the space center, but I could not switch to another vessel from map view.

Image of this phenomenon on map view:
I had just jumped to spectate JB Mini Dock I. You can see how the map view camera is centered on a previous position of that vessel, but it wasn't moving at all. You can also see the VOID overlay reports 0 mass, 0 DV, 0 thrust, etc.


Fixed via 6703ad2


This is the major thing I want to fix in

The change to KillVessel removed the loading screen sillyness, but the vessels aren't loading in correctly. They appear to go through some type of atmospheric re-entry no matter where you are.


Confirmed fixed.