DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


Vessels can disappear from the server

godarklight opened this issue ยท 10 comments


The cause of this is currently unknown - It's rare and quite annoying.

The recent change to OnVesselDestroyed should have fixed this, but it does not appear to have done so.


Also for security reasons server should do always logging which client and in when sends info that vessel in deleted.

Because of any client can send such info... in future server should nto believe everybody client tells that vessel is destroy via crush with another.

So, to determine this in future on the server side must present good logging system what local subspace was before vessel destroyed, and what it become when vessel has destroyed.
This can help to recreate the situation for admin on the server side who can simply load game and the save before collision, etc...

Im said here that server should have more logging info on every destroyed vessel:

  1. who
  2. when
  3. why
    was destroyed the vessel (sends to the server info that vessel is destroyed \ deleted)

The who and when is already logged in the server console ;)


i mean for debug reasons server must have zip-ed universe sub-space for every destroyed vessel - to know why it happens.


I had this bug, but never ever saw any destruction message nor was any debris removed (at least the log only ever said "0 debris removed").

I highly recommend what AIMaster suggested. Privately, I started to ZIP the folder myself, to circumvent the bug. Maybe schedule an universe-backup-zip or move files to a trash-universe-folder instead of deleting them?


@bdurrer Did you have this bug, recently: (on latest dev/release?)


It occurred on v0.1.5.6, running on an old WinXP Computer. See the logs here: http://pastebin.com/wE1vnmMy (Might be that the first log was from an other computer, I moved it and restarted the server several times)

You can see how DMP respawns asteorids on startup of Log 2, most likely because the folder was totally empty.
Funny thing is, that at the point where Log 2 ends, I am 100% sure that I still had all the vessels in my game (!).
Maybe there were somehow two DMP instances running, corrupting the files?


I would like to report this one also (current prod version) - 2 occurances
client error: error loading vessel list on connecting. Connecting a second time does not generate the error anew.

The deletion of vessels seems to appear when disconnecting from the server. Is something triggered ( final upload/comparison between client and server) upon disconnecting maybe?
maybe connection breaks mid process? (multithread issue?)


Uhm, what version are you using, @Freddydeyucca ? Because it should be fixed in


oh, I saw this issue's status was still open... so I replied
[20:35:10][INFO] : Client FreddyDeYucca handshook successfully, version: v0.2.0.1
(updated 06/01)

I will try and replicate the error


FYI I never had that issue again, otherwise I would report it immediately.