DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


HTTP Server fails to work - no errors in the log

Masterchef365 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


I was beginning a server normally, and had the HTTP port set to 8081 (Default), but it didn't show up on the manager list on DarkLight. The actual server works great, and I port forwarded for both HTTP and the server itself. Yet both the DarkLight servers and other port checking websites cannot seem access the HTTP info. There are no errors in the logs either. Version: v0.1.4.2, protocol 18


Does http://www.canyouseeme.org/ report that your 8081 port is accessible?


Yes, and I have tried others. I tested a python HTTP server on the same port, and any site could access it correctly, so the port is open.


But with the server itself, it is not accessible


This can be a combined problem of 2 different things: The first is that had a slight bug for the universe size thing, but that did show up in the log.

The second is that my scraper isn't the best, and it seems to be flaking out now that there are over 100 servers to check. BCSpazer had the same problems, DP110 was going to take over the server list soon ;)


Thanks, but that still doesn't explain why the port checking services wouldn't accept the HTTP (8081), and only the server (6702). I'll do some more testing tomorrow.


Okay this is going to sound really dumb. Sorry to get you guys worked up, but I had recently replaced my HDD with and SSD, reinstalled windows, and had left windows firewall on this time around. Took me a few days of troubleshooting and tearing my hair out to think of my operating system's bloatware as a problem. For anyone inquiring as to why their servers are not pingable, go to start > windows firewall, and turn off both firewall options.