DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


shared ingame resources

caipi- opened this issue ยท 5 comments


hi darklight,

I'm currently enjoying your multiplayer (latest dev build) with a friend and we use several mods, including the kethane mod, so we have multiple resources on the planets and moons.
Right now each player has individual resource deposits, which has of course its advantages and disadvantages. For us the disadvantages are unfortunately more important since we want to play together.
The game currently saves the ore and kethane (and other resource) data in the file /universe/Scenarios/userxy/KethaneData.txt, which is why each user gets his own deposits.

I would suggest to include an option or to rewrite the code that there is merely one kethanedata.txt-file for all users, so that you can share the resources and mine from the same spots.

BTW: I believe that this might even open up the possibility to share RnD-points, if one would want to.


This is currently in progress. Shared Science is working well already in an unstable branch. Shared Kethane (and any other mod that stores data in ScenarioModules) works as well, but only to an extent (multiple players scanning or mining at the same time will overwrite other people's progress.) A full fix requires a more comprehensive API that mods can hook into.

In short, it's coming. :)


awesome, good to hear.
Thanks for info and of course for the hard work. Keep it up :-)


A temporary solution for this is place one kethanedata.txt in the scenarios/initial/ folder, then it will copy to each player file as they're created. This will ensure all the kethane seeds are the same, and all the deposits will be in the same place. The resource amounts aren't synced, nor is scan data, but the resources position is. This will help make everything make a little more sense :)

Note: That you will need to delete all kethanedata.txts, and put a blank one in initial for the sync to work. If that doesn't work, you need to delete each player file in scenarios, and let DMP recreate them so it will copy the file.
I'm not sure if the first option works, I KNOW the second option works.


Thanks Freake, figured it out already ;-)
But as you mentioned, this method doesn't sync scan results etc, which is why I opened this suggestion.
But it will probably help others with the same issue.
Another method to "sync" the resources is to simply copy the kethanedata.txt from on to the other users (which is what I did).


I did an experiment with symlinks (in linux) but dmp only loads the file on start, and then doesn't read it, just writes to it. So that didn't really work. If you look in the server list, I have a few custom servers hosting shared resources/science ATM, take your friends and play on them :)