DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


Space Center broken after rejoining a server

JoshBlake opened this issue ยท 17 comments


In the latest .24 commits (e8eece8) after joining a server, disconnecting, then rejoining it, the space center loads but is non-operational and the camera is in a weird position.

Work-around: close KSP completely before rejoining a server.


I've had the camera bug in stock singleplayer. I believe this is just the KSC bug + a stock KSP bug.


I'm not seeing this bug anymore in 0.24.1.

Cameldeath in IRC was testing with 0.24.0 and reported deleting the scenario nodes (ProgressTracking.txt?) on the server fixed the issue.

Awaiting additional confirmations on other platforms before closing this issue.


Space center can definitely break still. I've found one definite way to mess up KSP - Accept a rescue kerbal contract, wait up to 30 seconds for the sync, disconnect.

The rescue contract requires that the kerbal exists, otherwise you get the space center bug.

The tracking station bug is different, that ones caused by missing kerbals (although that case should be solved by DodgeVesselCrewValues).


The original bug I was reporting was in stock sandbox. I have not been able to reproduce it with sandbox, but have not tried science or career.

Thanks for the the test .sfs files.

I assume the rescue contract generates a kerbal when you accept it -- is it that the Kerbal vessel is not syncing, or it generates a kerbal name not previously on the manifest?


I have this bug with 0.24.1, it happens every time I disconnect with Kerbal in orbit

ksp vanilla with the last dmp

edit: playing in carier, work-around: have to delete contractSystem.txt on server each time before login
the bug is not happening in science or sandbox


what harke69 posted also applies for 0.24.2
vanilla ksp and latest dmp
seems like its caused by quickload as it corrupts the contract state


DarkMultiPlayer: Threw in UpdateEvent, exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Contracts.Templates.RescueKerbal.OnSave (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in :0
at Contracts.Contract.Save (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in :0
at Contracts.ContractSystem.OnSave (.ConfigNode gameNode) [0x00000] in :0
at ScenarioModule.Save (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in :0
at DarkMultiPlayer.ScenarioWorker.SendScenarioModules () [0x00000] in :0
at DarkMultiPlayer.ScenarioWorker.Update () [0x00000] in :0
at DarkMultiPlayer.Client.Update () [0x00000] in :0


Half of this bug should be fixed by ecab82e

RescueKerbal contracts cause the above error, so skipping them fixes the problem.

The actual bug reported still appears to exist, it's annoying and it's persistent (If you load/start a single player game the camera bug still happens straight away.


it seems like there is a porblem while syncing/creating the local savegame with the ContractSystem.txt on the Server ... without ist fine, but with there is an error with the "MESSAGESYSTEM" and i cant use any buildung in the space center

[LOG 11:22:14.751] MessageSystem: Cannot load messages - MESSAGESYSTEM node does not exist

in a corrupt persistent.sfs (on the client) is no

    flash = False

sorry my english isnt the best ^^


@LMBlackWolf that's definitely something to test, But I believe the bug thats causing all the issues is the non-existent kerbal in a kerbal rescue mission (as the test sfs file above proves). MessageSystem doesn't appear to be part of the game object somehow, which is a little disturbing...


Encountering this in .24.2 both vanilla and MechJeb modded. I have tried closing my client out, but the only way I've fixed this is to delete the files from both my server and client. Does not happen in single player for me, no kerbal rescues attempted. I tested by doing two of the initial contracts, disconnecting, then attempting to re-enter the game. Using latest dev server as of 27 July at 20:10 Eastern time


i guess nullptr checks would solve alot bugs caused by the update event throwing
still log the problem but continue so at least the rest works


There's a very high chance 621baf5 has killed this bug, There was also a bug with contracts not saving.

Also, This bug is likely what killed KMP - Missing kerbals in ProgressTracking.txt makes the game bug out.


I'm experiencing this issue when joining my own server (that I play on with a few friends). The server is in sandbox mode so it has nothing to do with contracts, I had the same issue on KMP before starting to use darkmultiplayer.

To explain in more detail;

I join my server;

  1. The camera of the space center is in some weird crooked location and when I move my mouse over any building it doesn't light up
  2. I join the server and the camera is in the "normal" location, when I move my mouse over the buildings it lights up but when I click on any building it doesn't allow me to enter. For some reason I can enter the building to hire/select kerbals and when I click on the science center it does pop up with the message that the science center is closed.

I've attempted to delete my servers scenarios but it doesn't seem to fix it.

Here's a screenshot of what happens on the client and the server at the same time;

Unable to leave the begin screen on the client and the server keeps saving vessels while I'm unable to do anything. I'm also unable to leave to the main menu unless I hit disconnect on the darkmultiplayer window.

My friend is able to play on my server without any issues.

Any ideas? I'll be happy to provide more info.

edit: I am able to play without any issues on single player.
edit: Windows 8.1 64 bit OS.
edit: To clarify, I was able to play without any problems before, something triggered this situation, restarting KSP does not solve this issue.



After deleting all Scenarios (the entire folder, not just my own). It seems to be working again. Not sure why since we're in sandbox mode. Still unclear as to what has caused this issue.


Thanks for the patch, works great now! I encountered a problem where the game crashed upon exiting, but I deleted the Contract, Progress, and Recovery files from my players' scenario folders on the server and had them all use fresh installs of the client. Starting pseudo-fresh eliminated the problem. Thanks for your hard work and this sweet mod.


Closing this bug, It appears all the CrewRef throws are solved, and the actual camera weird position bug is a stock bug, which is kind of unfortunate...