DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


Unable to Kick 'already connected' client; User not timing out.

JohannesMP opened this issue ยท 2 comments


During a testing session with some friends, I got disconnected and upon trying to connect I got the standard Handshake failure: Client already connected message

On the server console I tried to use the /kick command to kick this 'ghost'. while it says Kicking User from the server, when checking with /listclients the client had not been kicked, and I still could not connect:

screenshot_2014-08-02_22 59 08

Am I wrong in assuming that it would make sense for /kick to remove a player that is incorrectly marked as being connected?

Also why is the unconnected user not timing out? I ended up trying again 10 minutes later and according to the server the user was -still- logged in, despite the fact that my client was not able to connect.

screenshot_2014-08-02_23 09 47

edit: it finally timed out:

[13:13:48][INFO] : Client JohannesMP disconnected in Send Callback, endpoint, error: EndWrite failure (Connection timed out)

I really think 15 minutes is far too long of a timeout. the server should know within less than 30 seconds if it hasn't heard anything from a given client.


This is weird. Checking the code, the player was supposed to be disconnected after 20 seconds without sending a heartbeat to the server.

private static void CheckHeartBeat(ClientObject client)
            long currentTime = Server.serverClock.ElapsedMilliseconds;
            if ((currentTime - client.lastReceiveTime) > Common.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT)
                //Heartbeat timeout
                DarkLog.Normal("Disconnecting client " + client.playerName + ", endpoint " + client.endpoint + ", Connection timed out");
                if (client.sendMessageQueueHigh.Count == 0 && client.sendMessageQueueSplit.Count == 0 && client.sendMessageQueueLow.Count == 0)
                    if ((currentTime - client.lastSendTime) > Common.HEART_BEAT_INTERVAL)

This definitely should no longer be the case - If it pops back up reopen this.