DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


Connect button becomes Disconnect, have to restart KSP to join a server

Jetsk1 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Occasionally, the connect button on the server list page renames itself as disconnect, and cannot be clicked or changed back. Usually happens after a failed connection to a server, or after disconnecting from a server. DMP/KSP restart is required to get it to show correctly again. Maybe I'm missing something?


I've a very similar error... It happens after trying to connect to a unavailable IP.

  1. Connect to unavailable IP
  2. Text shows "Connecting to x.x.x.x port n"
  3. Wait till text "Failed to connect" appears
  4. Connect again to unavailable IP
  5. Server browser remains in "Connecting to x.x.x.x port n"; Button shows text "Disconnect"
    I can still edit server browser entries or play singleplayer, but KSP restart is required to connect DMP again.

Fixed via bfaa0cc

