DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


0.2.1 issues

godarklight opened this issue ยท 9 comments


This is a meta-bug to track 0.1.7 0.2.1 targets.

  • Fix docking - Possibly use lock-system to make sure dockings are deterministic.
  • Fix a rotation bug, Likely a difference in vessel.terrainNormal. I think we got this one.
  • Fix the vessel altitude positioning bug, Needs vessel.PQSAltitude as the PQSTerrain does not seem to spawn accurately enough for our needs. EDIT: PQS seems to be mostly fine, something strange is going on here...
  • Bring back the Kerbal Rescue contracts.
  • Merge mod-support after we make sure it's useable and makes sense.
  • Profile DMP to see if we can reduce lag. If possible, find an alternative to KillVessel/LoadVessel for vessel part replacements - Don't think there is another way.
  • Fix KillVessel from hanging the tracking station if we kill the selected vessel. 0.90 fixed it :D
  • Clicking on a player while in flight should target them, clicking on them in Tracking Station should ask to spectate.
  • Groups.
  • Vessel permissions.
  • Shared career mode (#72, #164, #185, #226).
  • Fix the EVA-Board hijack (#200)
  • Fix the Docking to a future vessel bug with a warning first (#161/#120) - And if they dock anyway, Jump to the latest subspace, if the parts are the same, allow a docking. If not, eat it.
  • Clean up the warp system - Use LockSystem for voting, skip inactive votes, Fix "Kicked for creating subspace" (#67/#68/#71).
  • IPv6 support (#76)
  • Plugin documentation
  • Hook up the server admin console to the client so you can /pm the server console commands. Player names are authenticated.
  • Secure player tokens server side, which means SHA256 hashing them at bare minimum. We might have to leave the token idea for security completely and go for public/private key pairs.
  • GUI overhaul
  • Fix HTTP server throwing on restart.

Shouldn't this be created as a milestone?


Yes, but milestones need release dates - This makes me feel slightly better because there's no date to miss :)

I'll just strikeout the issues as I go along.


Actually, due dates are optional for milestones. ๐Ÿ˜‰


Maybe add a main menu console, and have custom commands for it?


What sorts of commands?


Now it's 0.1.7 issues! :D


Probably best to add #248 to this as well.


I should stop doing these, they are useless :P


Yeah, you really need to start using milestones, they are a lot better for tracking..