DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


Rotation/Velocity issues with vessels

MrFreake opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Very obvious with rovers. Seems to be worse with lag (obviously).

Edit: Still getting random explosions, disassembly and duplication with nearby rovers, as well. Figured I might as well give a few more details. hah.



Targets for this bug:

  • Make sure KillVessel reliably works - Seems much better now, but active vessel replacements need more testing.
  • Fix the 40-100m orbital positioning error. -- It's still there...
  • Enable position/velocity prediction. - This used to cause problems with my KMP orbital branch, it makes players crash into the ground much more often than they do

An example of the 40-100m positioning error:


I just tested PVP docking with d24be7b and am seeing about 80-100m constant positioning error. Pics:

(Note the date; taken within 3 seconds of each other.)

There is also a periodic jumping another 40 meters, every 10 seconds about. The other vessel jumps ~40m away for a second then comes back. Guessing this is associated with full updates. It makes docking finals pretty difficult.

With the constant positioning error, the inactive docking player just has to hold still and accept that it looks like the active docking vessel doesn't look close. When docking occurs, it will jump together.

Edit: I know this is probably known, but just reporting the testing of it in the latest dev commit.


Should now be fixed with 90490fd and 2da261f