DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


dmp banning bug

arantxio opened this issue ยท 1 comments


i just installed my server with mods. but it just auto banned b9 just wanted to report this as a possible bug in de code because this is the first time i have this.


This isn't a bug, it's likely you just haven't set up DMPModControl.txt on the server yet ;).

The recommended way to allow mods on the server is to open your modded KSP install and hit Options -> Generate blacklist DMPModControl.txt, this creates a mod config that's setup for your gamedata folder.

Move the generated DMPModControl.txt file from the KSP folder to the DMPServer folder - It should then allow parts.

The not-so-recommended way is to turn off mod control in DMPServerSettings.txt.