DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client



cybercorey opened this issue ยท 10 comments


It would be quite cool to add the version checker plugin support to this:


(I know this isnt a bug sorry!!)


godarklight has already made a similar program that updates the DMP client or server (depending on location) to Stable or Development release (Depending on exe name) to the latest version or the one specified (Command prompt argument or program name, I forget.)

Anyway, his system works, but merging it with a standard platform sounds like a good idea to me. How many other projects use KSP-AVC?


I believe ModuleManager does the same...


Doesn't ModuleManger also ensure no conflicts between mod resources and changes to KSP config files? If so, it would both keep clients up to date and keep other mods from causing breakage.


As an aside, if you're looking at systems to both keep mods up to date, and ensure conflicts don't occur, then that's the entire basis around the CKAN. We've got a pretty solid spec, and we borrow heavily from Debian, as they've had to deal with much bigger issues.

(And no, ModuleManager doesn't do this, it just lets multiple mods edit the same config nodes rather than completely overwriting each other.)


I'd be more than happy if this mod got any of the above. I dont mind using either or. Quite like the sound of CKAN.

Just anything to tell me to update without too much effort is nice haha


@godarklight : In #kspmodders now as pjf (or pjf1, if my client's been silly). I've not been publicizing it much due to travel (which is now over). Right now I'm working on finishing the dependency chain processing (which is mostly working), but an "adding your mod to the CKAN" guide is next on my list. :)

@cybercorey : We should make sure that DMP is available from the CKAN get-go. :)


From memory KSP-AVC is a single file of json, so that's pretty easy to implement if people wish.

@pjf Holy moly, How on earth did I miss that project. Keep going - I'll try to catch you in modders chat as this is definitely in my interests :)


DMP is now in the CKAN. When I release 0.1.6, it should be available there too :)


Just remember, a friendly message from xkcd:

xkcd 927: Standards



CKAN is a mod manager - there hasn't been a good solution for them until now ;).

KSP-AVC is just a version checker, and I'd like to stay away from things that call home in the core project, plus my version numbers are written in my build scripts. I will not keep version numbers in the git repo ;)