DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


Space Center destruction isn't synced

opensesame11 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Whenever the space center is destroyed, the other party sees it go down and it stays down only on their end. Unfortunately, that means you can place craft on the VAB and if they render it, it blows up a bunch and things die and explode. I didn't get a chance to record this or get a picture of it, but the fix seems pretty straightforward.

I'm not sure anyone's gotten around to figuring out how this'll work, but it should definitely be added to the 0.16 list, because it ties in with the resource sharing system and career mode bugfixes.

(Unrelated bugreport: Client-side interface and space center gets totally borked if a career mode save is reloaded. You can play for as long as you want in career mode, and all you information gets relayed to the server, even the strategies (Good work guys) get saved to the server. This works great, but the second you reconnect to the game, KSP spins a wheel and either freezes, locks the camera, locks you out of the buildings, kills Gene Kerman (He disappears) or any combination of that.)


This is simply shared scenario modules, there's about 4 different bugs with different names ;). I'll leave this one open as a reminder in case I have to do anything special though.

Added to 0.1.6 issues.


Current dev: sometimes (maybe always, not sure) the repairing of a broken launchpad is not synced, so every user has to do it for himself