DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


Duplicate vessels/objects when disconnecting or quitting to main menu and reconnecting to server

inigmatus opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I loaded a save game with bug duplication instructions to darklight's ftp. Real simple:

KSP 0.25, Win 7 Pro. Latest DMP Client/Server Dev build.

  1. Convert any save game into a Universe using DMP.
  2. Connect to universe and select and fly any vessel or object from the Tracking Center.
  3. When vessel loads, click the DMP GUI "Disconnect" button.
  4. Reconnect to the universe and load the Tracking Center. You will see duplicated vessels of not only the last ship you disconnected from, but any other vessels/objects in the local area including Kerbals, flags, and more. Loading any of these obviously will cause catastrophic explosions of any nearby duplicated vessels.

Duplication does not happen when exiting the game using the game GUI and reconnecting. It only happens when disconnecting from the server while controlling an active vessel or object and then reconnecting.


There has to be more to this bug - I haven't hit duplicate vessels even once yet after trying 5 times, with a few different approaches. Is there any other mods involved with this bug?


No mods. 0.25, and only DMP client. I'll download a fresh .25, and fresh install DMP client, and twitch the whole thing and port it to youtube to give you a video step-by-step. I'll be using the universe I zipped up for you. I'll see if I can do this tonight.


I was able to duplicate this without using the Disconnect button in the GUI. When I recorded it, I was surprisingly able to duplicate it simply by loading a vessel, and quitting to the main menu per normal (not DMP GUI) and then reconnecting to the server. Off camera, when I exit the vessel back to the Space Center, I load Tracking Center and only see one vessel. But then when I quit to game menu, and then reconnect, Tracking Center shows a duplicate of the last vessel I was in. Happens only on the server using the converted universe, and not in the main save file I made the universe from. It appears the duplication is only taking place on reconnection to the server, not prior.


Here is a video duplicating the steps. 8:35 begins the actual bug duplication. The rest is setup and proof of fresh install, server and client versions, and save game universe generation:



Fixed via c83d2f1