DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


DMP Killing non-server asteroid when local game is loaded

hvacengi opened this issue ยท 3 comments


It appears that at least some of the DMP logic is still running even if I am not running a client session.

I noticed a bit ago that I couldn't find any asteroids in my local game, and just figured it was a bug in that persistent file. But when I was troubleshooting another error, I happened to notice the following line in the debug list:
"[Log]: [390.0402] DarkMultiPlayer: Killing non-server asteroid 56e78a6d-afd4-4e4d-b766-2138a38eb88d, we don't own the asteroid-spawning lock"

I am sure that this game session is offline and not connected to a server, so my expectation would be that DMP would disable this core logic. I haven't had a chance to look at the code yet to make a recommendation for a change, but I'll try to flip through it before this weekend.


Whoops, should be fixed via 29a0528


Awesome! Thanks for the quick response!


I'm actually testing it now, but the problem was obvious, I noticed that the other day and forgot about it :)

EDIT: It works.