DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


Joining zooms to Space Center

bdurrer opened this issue ยท 17 comments


Quite often, when I join my server, the client zooms to the Space Center. The Game is not usable then.
When I leave the game, the default controls of the KSP menu are disabled.

Version 829cecf (current dev)

Screenshot: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=330730377


Version 829cecf is not the current dev one. The current dev one is c83d2f1.

Your bug was fixed in 7f99afb.


Oh, seems like http://dmp.52k.de/w/Download links to the wrong version!
Can be closed.




O thank you!


This is likely still an issue btw, It's caused by many things, the easiest way to bring it about is disconnect with DMP's disconnect button and trying to reconnect. I'll poke this one some more


Confirmed: c83d2f1 still has the issue


Confirmed, same issue all the time. Deleting save and re-connecting seems to fix it.


Also having this issue. Deleting my save, shutting the game down, and rejoining doesn't help.


It would be really nice to get a fix for this. It makes the mod unplayable.


As long as there is a workaround, it's not unplayable. Maybe the mod should always delete the savegame? (at least until all causes are patched)


DMP actually used to delete the save file in the past - but now it simply overwrites it just before starting the game. It used to cause the "Incompatible save detected - would you like to delete all your saved crafts?" bug :P

This is by far the worst issue in DMP atm - I'll have to really poke this one before release.


Turns out leaving input locks enabled brings this bug around - Should be fixed in 0ba3f00.

After enough confirms, I'll close this one :)


First start today with 0ba3f00 still had the bug. Maybe I need to delete the save one last time? I'll write an update later.


I still have the bug (at least once) when using the "Disconnect" button on the DMP Gui. On the plus side, leaving via "Quit to main menu" seems to work without problems. Restarting the game and connecting did not cause it anymore (only 5 restarts though) for me.


If anyone hits this bug again - Can they upload their log file to pastebin and link it here?


Closing this - Reopen if with an output_log.txt - There might be a few other things that cause this but I haven't hit this bug since the fix.


since I opened the bug: I too can confirm that it did not appear again, tried all combinations of buttons and screens :)