DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


User interface redesign

godarklight opened this issue ยท 17 comments


All of our current user interfaces are quite terrible, as my unity knowledge was very limited when I started this project. Of course I'm also pretty uncreative when it comes to design.

I've had this bookmarked since DMP has existed - It's a mockup by @JohannesMP.
I always did intend to complete it :)

We are also very lacking in other areas, the connection GUI is pretty horrible (resizing boxes, two add buttons, one cancels and one applies!).

I'd like to start a discussion on what works for us and what doesn't - Anyone can post a mockup and if we like it we'll implement it. Don't be shy - it can't get much worse than it already is :P


OK, I updated my repo with the newest version of the DMP mainline. I'll see what I can do about abstracting some of the elements when I wake up.


@tbg10101 I'm poking you just so you know that you may complete the work you have started. We can deal with i18n later.


I think I'll take a look tonight.


I committed some UI design documents. Trying to get a feel for what I need to program:

I plan on consolidating many of the 'in-game' windows.


Currently negotiating with my employer to see if I can continue to work on this... waiting to see what they say.


That mockup looks amazing, really. It truly makes DMP look like a working product.

Here's my own mockup, outlining a "player status" window:

Player status window

If you want to take my mockup, here's a bare version:
Bare mockup


I may take a crack at the options screen tonight just to try some stuff out.

Need to set up a DMP environment...


How does this look in general?



Have you thought about hiding cache/modcontrol/other in an advanced window or section for non-hosts?


Much better than what we had - if you wanted to we could break it out into a tabbed window, it might be worth abstracting it though ;)


I am planning to abstract, just wanted to get one window done first to see what I needed to do.


I am committing to my own fork at the moment: https://github.com/tbg10101/DarkMultiPlayer/tree/tbg10101_UI_Overhaul


I did think about it but the number of options that DMP has doesn't really warrant pagination. I think if I needed another section then I would make it tabbed, depending on how the new section was categorized.


Can you hold it off until I get internationalization done? It's almost done, just need a few strings (mostly the debug ones) and we're good to go. However, you'll have to readapt your interface for it.


I'll take a look at your internationalization branch to see what I need to do. Thanks for the heads-up!


TODO for tonight (just notes for myself):

  • Increase space between check-box and text.
  • Increase spacing between Key Bindings and Cache sections.
  • Look at internationalization branch for next steps.

OK, I see how it works. Looks like it shouldn't be that hard to implement. I created an entirely new class for the options window and made only minor changes elsewhere so merging your changes into my branch shouldn't be bad.