DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


Kerbals KIA/MIA with no reason

KazMartell opened this issue ยท 11 comments


Started running a server for myself and a friend of mine. In addition to my reputation randomly taking negative hits, I discovered after attempting to launch my 4th flight that I had 34 dead or missing Kerbals.

I don't understand how or why this happened, and I don't see any indication of it in the server log.

I did notice once that players seem to be randomly granted Kerbals, but I'm not sure how that works or how I can modify the options for that if it's causing a problem.

Any assistance would be appreciated!


Encountered the same bug with friends - with or without other mods. Please fix it, otherwise Career MP is not possible :'(


This happened to me today. I just launched my satellite into orbit and my kerbal suddenly went KIA.


Unfortunately this has broken DMP for me and my friends too :( any ETA on a fix?


I see this thread is old, but last time I played DMP with someone I had this happen to me, was no earlier than May 2016, is this still a known issue or has there been a fix? This bug broke the game for as within 10 minutes we had lost 4 kerbals and had no more money to pilot our next mission. Hoping that if this bug still exists it gets some more attention.


I thought I had fixed this - DMP currently kills vessels to replace them for the full part updates, but it should be removing them from the vessel before creating a new one.

Looks like I'll have to try a little harder on this one.

EDIT: Note this should only happen with another player on the server.


Right on. Thanks for the prompt reply! I'll put the server on standby until that fix comes about.

Would the dead Kerbals be why my reputation keeps getting hit too?


@godarklight When does the full part updates happen that could cause Kerbals to be lost? I want to see if I can try to avoid those situations for now :)


For every vessel that's close to another player, every 30 seconds. I thought I did handle this (at least in my testing it seemed to clear up), but something else might be hitting us here too.


Just had a strange happen. In career mode, recovered a craft, with a pilot in it [Pilot 1]. After the mission the Astronaut complex showed him listed there (along with lots and lots of missing Kerbals).

Then I went to VAB, made some changed and launched, noticed that the kerbal in the pilot seat was someone different [Pilot 2]. So I reverted back to VAB from the launchpad to pick the correct Kerbal and it said I have no available Kerbals!

Went back to Astronaut complex and Available is now 0, Assigned shows [2], but there are none listed, and Lost [25 missing] has both [Pilot 1] and [Pilot 2] listed.

EDIT: And because my limit is 5 due to career mode, I couldn't hire any new ones. I clicked the 'X' next to all the missing ones (all 25) of them, but that caused the Assigned number to increase to [9], with still nobody listed under Assigned.

After this I went to the Tracking station to see if there was perhaps some craft anywhere, but there wasn't, and then couldn't exit the tracking station.


Is this not something to do with other players launching the same kerbals? I have a few shown as 'Assigned' on my astronaut complex which look to be assigned to another players ship.


I've encountered the same bug when playing with a friend.
After playing a bit all his kerbals are dead and constantly buying new ones is too expensive.
This bug basically broke multiplayer for us.
Any information on a possible fix?