DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


Load Button Doesn't Work

etisoppA opened this issue ยท 3 comments


My load button does not work for SPH and I deleted all my saves and it still doesn't work but it works in VAB.


That is awfully strange... Can you upload KSP/KSP.log to a site like pastebin (or perhaps if it's too big, email it to me? / dropbox?)

I suspect there's a dodgy vessel in the saves/DarkMultiPlayer/Ships/SPH folder, but if that's the case I question how a broken vessel got in there in the first place...

If the SPH thing does fix it, can you send them too me aswell, this is something we might need to defend against.


A friend of mine has this game issue, turned out he didn't have the ksp/ship folder missing.
don't mistaken this for ksp/saves//ships
It might be possible you have the /ksp/ships/SPH folder missing, it seems the game doesn't automatically make these folders if you remove them.