DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


Random Reputation Loss

JaayyJaay opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Many players on my server seem to be losing reputation at random.
I have experienced this personally after sitting at the space center, switching to a facility, then leaving the facility. After I left the facility, i had lost a significant chunk of rep.
It doesnt happen every time, or all the time.. But seemingly at random.

I have not been able to reproduce this with any specific actions, and have not been able to see a cause.

Apologies if this is already a known issue.. I searched, and found nothing related to the subject.



Same here with game version 1.0.5 and dmp client version

Whenever I connect new to our server, I lose random 200-500 reputation.
This is infinitely reproducible ...


See my comment in #361 regarding @citruspress's implementation


Hi, same here on 1.0.2 using 2.2.0 client and server


Same here on 1.0.2 and using the latest commit update from the repo :/


I've noticed this happening to me as well, but I've noticed something strange happening as well.

I've noticed that when I re-connect to my DMP Server, vessels I have previously recovered will have reappeared on the tracking station, at a position near the last 5 or so minutes of flight (usually reentry to Kerbin). I've noticed that if I let these vessels naturally crash, I get a severe reputation hit.

I just setup a new server for testing and launched 5 quick missions (suborbital hops) and recovered them once they landed. When I closed KSP, then restarted and reconnected to the server, all 5 missions were in their last stage of flight, about to reenter.