DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


Cannot Load Crafts

Mctitch-CraftSM opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Hi, me and a few others are unable to load our crafts in either VAB or SPH on KSP 0.90 DMP - latest


Can you first check to see if it is this stock bug? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkHMNUNGSic

DMP shouldn't be doing anything to break the VAB/SPH - I suspect it's that one :-/.

If it's not, I'll need a copy of KSP/KSP.log after you run into the problem (The game wipes this file every time you start KSP, so make sure you hit the problem at least once before uploading it)


Thanks for the Quick reply :D
ok i looked at your video and it looks to be a similar problem. i then went on to follow the link in the description and i am unsure on how to use the code snipets to fix the issue can you help me thank you.

here is a link to my KSP.log file (Had to do it this was as it was larger than the max char count.



yeah i noticed this and removed the post and then re did it by uploading it to mediafire. the file was to big for pastebin i tried that one haha :P


The log got cut off. I also forget to tell people that pastebin is a thing :P


That is exactly the same error I get when there's a broken craft file in the VAB/SPH folder.

Check KSP/saves/DarkMultiPlayer/Ships/SPH (and VAB)/ for small vessel files, if it has no "PART {" lines delete it, it's broken :)

Also take note that whatever "PFUtilityAddon" is, it's throwing errors too - you might want to try updating / uninstalling that addon, but that's just a little thing that you can probably ignore. I just don't like unhandled exceptions in logs, they make KSP have kittens.


Yessss that did it thank you :D
how do i one up you ๐Ÿ‘ :P
Thank you and by the way its an awesome Mod people like you are awesome :)


Haha, thanks :)

I'll go ahead and close this - if you need me I'll be available on #DMP on irc.esper.net, there's a webchat thing on the download page.

I also hope that squad fixes this before the 1.0 release, but shrugs.


Thanks again :)