DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


Running on Raspberry Pi

driese21 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Hey guys,

Not sure if the server on Linux is officially supported, but I've encountered a bug (or oddity) with the server time.
I'm not sure whether it affects something critical, but I'm just putting it here.
Here's the time on a Windows PC:
And here's the incorrect on my Pi:

My Raspberry Pi version: Linux raspberrypi 4.1.13-v7+ with Raspbian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)
Mono version info: Mono JIT compiler version 4.2.1 (Stable Thu Nov 12 10:06:49 UTC 2015)

If you need any more information, please let me know!

P.S.: apparently it has something to do with soft floating-point vs hard floating point (see this thread: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16926634/datetime-now-tostring-weird-results)


As far as I know DMP does not have explicit ARM support. It might support Linux (@RockyTV might know better) But the RasPi runs a ARM based CPU, meaning different architectures. So your FP vs HFP note makes sense on initial inspection. Some FP cast issue maybe.

Definitely something I have an interest in checking up on as I own a RasPi and love running these kinds of services on it.

I plan on spending more time on DMP in the new year once my studies start up again so will look into these things when the time comes


Hrmm, DMP is sensitive to either of the system clocks changing after you connect, but after that it shouldn't be a problem.

I know the rPi doesn't have a real time clock, perhaps you managed to sync before the clock updated from NTP and then updated afterwards? (I'll have to test on my rPi2 later)


Well I first noticed the issue, and then checked my system time, it was one hour of (wrong timezone), then just adjusted it, let it sync to the right time, it was. After that I restarted the server, yet "problem" still persists. I'm not sure if this is game-breaking, but I'm hosting it on my Windows machine again.
I also tried pushing in a correct subspace.txt file (from the Windows machine) and that didn't help either.


That was exactly what I was thinking, that maybe it was a lack of RTC that was the problem.
Maybe see if you can compare the hex values of the two times by adding an additional debug statement.


Closing this issue due to inactivity. Please reopen this if the issue persists.