DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


Changes made through the Tracking Station aren't saved

81ninja opened this issue ยท 3 comments


DMP doesn't save to the server changes made to vessels through the tracking station.

E.g. I go to the tracking station, rename a vessel and redesignate its type (say from Debris to Probe). The changes aren't saved to the server unless I click on Fly to control them which isn't always desirable. (plus the loading)

It's not a big issue while renaming a ship or two, but when redesigning a whole satellite network it can make things really boring. (load ship - rename - load tracking station - rinse, repeat...)


I think we need to push vessel privacy ASAP in order to allow modifications to vessels, then hook OnVesselRenamed (I think there's an event with this name) and send the update to the server if the player owns it.


I just noticed that, in the case of vessels that have no crewable parts or probe cores, this also makes them impossible to rename (no button to click).

By privacy you mean vessel ownership and permissions?

Fixing this is probably a matter of hooking to the event, and sending the vessel update to the server and clients. Would this be a waste of work or conflict with the future ownership system?


By privacy you mean vessel ownership and permissions?

Yes. It's ideal to have the system in place, otherwise anyone can modify the vessel. I think perhaps we should just fetch the update lock if it isn't active, rename and release the lock.