DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


Banned Parts (Cannot save vessel to server)

diveyez opened this issue ยท 1 comments



  • OS: Debian 9+
  • Mono: Current Release (mono-complete)


Describe what went wrong with DMP.
It is refusing to save vessels for Banned parts even though I have generated ModControl list. Is there something I forgot to do?

Additional Info

Use this space to post links to client logs (KSP.log) and server logs (dmpserver.log), screenshots or anything else you may find useful to help us address the issue. Please upload log files to a file hosting service like Hastebin.


This is not an issue. If your vessel has banned parts, DMP won't save it.

What banned part does it complain about? Could you upload your mod control file to Pastebin and link it here?