DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


Whitelist not generated properly, banned part name missing

merket opened this issue · 3 comments


Hello, I have generated white list several times, but as I browse through VAB, I get "banned part" notification, until now I kept adding the part names to the txt file, but now I'm getting this error without any names how can I find which part, and add it to my white list. Is there another way to generate whitelist? The default option doesn't seem to be doing well.


Which parts are being banned? Can you upload your KSP.log file to Pastebin?


That's the thing, usually it tells me the name on the screen but this time the line is just empty, no name given. I currently searched my log file for the word "banned" but nothing came out.... But I have a lot of "PartModule indexing mismatch" errors in the file. I want to send it via pastebin but the site gives me SSL error and won't load, any other free sites like this? (no word count limit)
