DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


Vessel cache can get very big

MrFreake opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Mine is 108 megs. That's 1700 txt files, haha. Either have it save two or three servers, clear up old files, or clear upon connection to a new server. MAY also have a side effect of greying out the tracking center.


At the moment objects in the cache should expire after they are a week old

Also, if the cache is bigger than 100mb (by default), it keeps deleting the oldest file until the cache comes back down to 100mb.

The cache expiry only runs once when KSP starts - so 108mb might be normal. If you restart KSP, how big is the cache directory?


I cleared it. Soooo.. Guess we'll have to wait till it builds back up. or I can connect to a bunch of servers over and over haha. Or I guess we could do the kessler bomb on a server.


Or you could put a ~90mb file in the cache directory, it has to end with .txt in order to be counted though :)


My mod directory appears to be behaving quite well - I think I'll close this one. ~100mb is normal, if it grows much bigger than this we'll reopen this issue