DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


Make it so only the nearest player can delete a vessel

MrFreake opened this issue ยท 4 comments


May stop vessels randomly disappearing


8025438 may prevent this if the only case was eva'ing before landing, or (more rarely), eva'ing straight after landing before a protovessel update.


Going to have to dig into this one more, The nearest player isn't the completely correct solution to this :-/.

This most likely can only happen on a body with no atmosphere, If you haven't sent a situation = LANDED protovessel message, and EVA before this happens, your vessel will no longer be in use and it won't be protected by other players removing it. They'll still see SUBORBITAL vessel crashing and destroy your vessel.

The solution here is to either acquire an update lock on vessels (I have a server lock system in mind), or even better, to send a situation = LANDED protovessel message.

The only way I can think of reproducing this bug is this:

  1. Hover over the surface until you send a protovessel message
  2. Quickly land (within 10 seconds thanks to 58da73e), or EVA straight away when it would normally be safe to do so.
  3. Watch your vessel get removed by other players.

Is there any other known situations where this can happen?


This is going to have to change - The nearest player isn't accurate enough as sometimes the player vessel is not there (for example, due to in-atmo vessel killing). We'll create a lock system for 0.1.4 which will tie into taking an update lock of a vessel.


Fixed via 583cbbc