DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


Clickthrough to menu screen makes it impossible to click "Accept" button.

Dunbaratu opened this issue ยท 0 comments



  • OS: Windows 8, KSP 1.6.1
    Screen Resolution: 1080p Fullscreen, which may be relevant to the problem (see below).


When first installing, the window shown below in the screenshot appears.

I tried clicking "Accept" and it was impossible. The entire "Accept" button happens to be overlayed atop the main menu's "KSP Community" link, and when I try to click "Accept" it clicks-through to the menu "KSP Community" link instead of the Accept button. ("instead", not "in addition to", so the Accept button could not be used.)

I tried moving DMP's window, but it is stuck in place on the center of the screen.

The only thing that worked was to ignore the window for now, and wait until I got through the main menu so the "accept" button no longer had anything else to click on at that spot of the screen.

I believe the exact screen resolution may be relevant as it could affect layout and font sizing, and thus move where the window positions that button.

Additional Info


Help on implementing a fix

I just went through trying to fix a similar issue in kOS's introductory window and finally figured out what the heck the anchorMin and anchorMax actually do in KSP's built-in PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog() - it's non-intuitive as all get-out. If you want help on how to move the window so it's not in the center I can show how that works. It's really weird. They're not normal coordinates like you'd expect, nor are they proportional to the screen (i.e. 0.0 .. 1.0 or anything like that).