DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


Unhandled error while syncing

hanmike opened this issue ยท 0 comments



  • OS: Win10
  • Mono:


Describe what went wrong with DMP.

The first time I connect with one name, there is no problem, but from the second time, an error appears and I cannot connect. If you try with a different name or delete the user scenario folder(DMPServer\Universe\Scenarios(username)) from the server and try to connect, will be connected.

Additional Info

Use this space to post links to client logs (KSP.log) and server logs (dmpserver.log), screenshots or anything else you may find useful to help us address the issue. Please upload log files to a file hosting service like Hastebin.
ksp.log is over 25MB i can't upload Hastebin MEGA link-https://mega.nz/file/dxNGUDQS#QlD0xcBNliNBMyCP9n_0dd9nqvVGwoF73RG2p-h0RqY

KSP.log and dmpserver.log file summary

  1. Try Connect "TestUserName" (Connected)
  2. Disconnect
  3. Try Connect "TestUserName"(Error)
  4. Try Connect "TestUserName"(Error)
  5. Try Connect "TestUserName"(Error)
  6. Try Connect "TestUserName1"(Connected)
  7. Disconnect
  8. Delete the "TestUserName" scenario folder(DMPServer\Universe\Scenarios\TestUserName <-This!)
  9. Try Connect "TestUserName" (Connected)