DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


Notify the player that a screenshot is downloading

godarklight opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Currently it's unclear wether the user has a screenshot uploaded or not - This will make it clear :)


The main point here is that as a user, you click the a user's name in the screenshot window, at which point the client requests the latest screenshot from the server, and then starts downloading it. However during the time between clicking, and the screenshot actually appearing, a good 10 seconds can pass, during which time there is zero visual feedback that anything is actually happening. As a user this can be anxiety-inducing.

What is required is some sort of instant feedback. this could take several forms:

  • The name turns a different color indicating that a download is occuring. this could include the text simply becoming transparent and unclickable for the duration of the download.
  • The screenshot window opens up instantly, and displays some sort of 'screenshot loading' text.

It should be noted that a user will intuitively understand most signals even if it doesn't literally spell out for them "we're now downloading a screenshot". even the opacity of the name changing while the screenshot is downloading would be enough for the user to understand that _something_ is happening.


I tried doing this in a messy way but it'd only display the message when the screenshot was downloaded, and wouldn't disappear.

Another testing I made gave me almost the result we want: displays "Downloading screenshot" when you click the user, and when it downloads, it displays another message.


Implemented via d3743c4