DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


Sync issue when players disconnect

Deadpan110 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Hiya, we are currently playing (and bug testing) the development versions hosted on a dedicated Linux server and are experiencing issues with vanishing craft.
These seem to occur when only one of us is playing and then logs off and then the other player logs on at a later time leaving a period where the server has no active players.
It is as if there is no forced sync of craft when a player disconnects to save the state when the other player connects which seems to be causing loss of craft.
Our gameplay is set to the following:
warpMode: 1 (MCW_VOTE)
gameMode: 1 (CAREER)
loglevel,0 (DEBUG)
If you require more information or need us to test things out, we will be more than happy to participate.


I've heard a few reports of MCW_VOTE beings a bit iffy, most of the testing has gone into SUBSPACE.

I'll check this one out for as well ;)


Was there any chance that you had mod control turned off?

It appears that option was broken in


Mod control was on as we are running heavily modded clients.

Since updating a few times, I have not experienced any noticeable issues - however my friend was logged on last night on his own and experienced a client crash (possibly normal expected behaviour for 32bit KSP running out of mem).

He reports that he de-orbited a few junk craft (part of our play rules to try n keep space clean - using remove craft as a last resort). He had switched between a few craft to do so and then had his crash.

Upon rejoining, all the de-orbited craft were back.

Our server is hosted in Fremont, California (Linux Ubuntu), my friend connects from Northern England, UK (Windoze) and I connect from South Australia (Linux Ubuntu ulimit -n 2048 && LC_ALL=C LD_PRELOAD="libpthread.so.0 libGL.so.1" __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=1 ./KSP.x86_64) - even though the geographical locations are fairly equally spaced, he does experience a little lag from time to time (more so than myself) - especially above the KSC.

-- Off topic:

MCW_VOTE - please do not consider dropping this style of gameplay as we think it is actually a great way to play without players having warps growing years apart (keeping multipayer actually multiple players rather than players all playing on their own in different subspaces).

There are some enhancement suggestions I will like to add as other issues that could make MCW_VOTE a really great multiplayer experience (I hope).

I am currently attempting to get used to mod writing as I have coding experience in other languages - getting used to the basics in .NET/mono/and Unity3d and the KSP modding syle is a little different than what I am used to - but am happy to contribute as best as I can.


"Upon rejoining, all the de-orbited craft were back" - If you were using a very recent development version 9ea2a1b to ecc497a that may have been the cause, I had a certain check that was backwards, which was fixed in d3743c4 today.

MCW_VOTE is likely the second most popular mode, even though no public servers currently use it. That one will always be a part of DMP, although it doesn't get as much testing.

It was SUBSPACE_SIMPLE and MCW_LOWEST that are to be dropped, the ideas were pretty useless, and they aren't even implemented - But I may still implement them one day.

If you have any questions about the code (and I'm sure you will), I'm usually available on IRC on irc.esper.net channel #DMP. There's a web chat on my build server. I'll be able to point you in the right direction :)

EDIT: If it's docking related, it's very likely to be fixed via d1dc619


I've found one more tiny bug related to the workers not getting disabled properly, As far as I can see, everything should be correct.

Re-open this if you run into it again in dev.