DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


Situations to ignore a players vote to warp (MCW_VOTE)

Deadpan110 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Sometimes a player should not have a right to vote (Kerbal democracy perhaps? - lol)

Scenario 1

A player is building an uuber mun lander for Bob Kerman in VAB while another player is wanting to warp to their next maneuver node.

Possible enhancement solution

Do not include players that are in VAB, SPH, Research and Development, Astronaut Complex (possibly the Tracking Station) and KSC view as warping only really needs to be done when you are in control of a craft.

Scenario 2 (based on a true story)

I (errm, I mean a player) was watching Planet Kerbin rotate below admiring Environmental visual enhancements (with the Astronomers pack) and Distant Object showing some previous creations gracefully following their orbits while thinking how cool it would be to become Jebadiah Kerman for a day - and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Meanwhile another player had got home from work (where he had been planning what he was going to do on DMP that evening) and realised that he couldn't warp because a player was AFK (well ...more Asleep On Keys).

Possible enhancement solutions

Some kind of AFK detection that switches the user to the KSC screen after a set length of time (Where KSC is exempt from warp voting) - perhaps a default of 30 mins that can be adjusted or switched off in the server config.


These will both be very easy - And had I spent more time in MCW_VOTE mode during the pre- development they'd already be part of DMP...


Moving this to - I need to do some refactoring on MCW_VOTE soon, and I don't want to risk it this close to release ;)