DarkMultiPlayer Client

DarkMultiPlayer Client


Auto stop warp based on other players actions (MCW_VOTE)

Deadpan110 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


As seen in plugins such as Kerbal Alarm Clock and MechJeb - warping for single player is stopped on certain conditions.
Kerbal Alarm Clock alows a user to set an alarm and stores the time this will occur (along with event type and notes) and such a mechanism could be used in DMP MCW_VOTE.

Very related to issue/enhancement #67 and possibly beyond the scope of what DMP is designed for but I felt I should include it here for reference/ideas and completeness.


A player is en-route to Duna in "DoinDuna Craft MK1" and has a SOI in 6 days, they decide that during this period they will make a start on designing their next craft.

Another player is on their way to Minmus on a science gathering mission and wants to warp the entire way there.

Possible solution

The server could be notified; then check for the approaching SOI and stop warp with a notice "Warp Stopped - 'DoinDuna Craft MK1' has reached SOI.

Again, this is very related to issue/enhancement #67 but would come from the DMP Client / Server (although the idea could be achieved via a plugin or mod).

This could also work for active maneuver nodes so as to let a player switch what they are doing (like - go build something in VAB) letting other players warp but only to where they want to be.


Just for reference, Mechjeb autowarp and kerbal alarm clock should work correctly in subspace mode - And it should also already work for the warp master in MCW_VOTE. I'll double check this when I get some of the stock issues / enhancements out of the way.

This definitely shouldn't need collaboration between mechjeb or kerbal alarm clock, nor will it need to be in a seperate mod, things like this should work out of the box :)


This is handled via MCW_LOWEST :)