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Glykerol density is incorrect and volume is undefined

LouisB3 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


@JPLRepo. Cross-posting here from the forums for visibility.

Per earlier comments made by scottpaladin, Glykerol is supposed to be a 1L/unit resource with a density similar to glycerol. However, the volume of the Glykerol was never defined in CRP's resource definition; more importantly, density is 10x higher than intended due to a typo.

I recommend changing the resource definition as follows and would be happy to submit a PR to CRP with your approval:

   name = Glykerol
   displayName = #LOC_CRP_Glykerol_DisplayName
   density = 0.001261 // same as glycerol
   unitCost = 2
   hsp = 2430 // specific heat capacity (kJ/tonne-K as units) //
   flowMode = ALL_VESSEL
   transfer = PUMP
   isTweakable = true
   volume = 1
   ksparpicon = REPOSoftTech/DeepFreeze/Icons/Glykerol
   ksparpdisplayvalueas = Units

These changes won't affect much in DeepFreeze by itself, since most vessels probably only carry a few liters of Glykerol. But it's important to specify these values for interoperability with other mods, so they can add tank options and/or ISRU conversions where desired.


I'll close this since the associated PR has been merged. Thanks!