DeepFreeze Continued...

DeepFreeze Continued...


All Life Support MODS support?

JPLRepo opened this issue ยท 2 comments


TAC LS - workaround. requires fix to be applied by TaranisElsu.
Snacks - Fixed and compatible. But it loads up the freezer with way too many snacks. Needs a module manager update to snacks on-board, but cannot due to syntax error currently applied by Snacks! using module manager itself (so unable to override) - Requires Snacks mod to update their MM config.
USI-LS - Fixed. Fully Compatible.
Interstellar Flight LS - Confirmed working.
IonCross - appears to only check active crew on vessels hen consuming resources. so should be compatible with DeepFreeze. Requires someone to test and confirm.

ASMI's ECLSS - not tested - Looks like it keeps track of kerbals - need to decipher the code further to understand the impact.


Interstellar Flight LS confirmed working.
Originally Posted by Synthesis View Post
I'm honored for the privilege of helping! (and happy for any excuse that actually makes me return to KSP with a clear sense of purpose--currently, I spend 90% of my time in game trying to fix bugs).

I'll get the most recent update and give it a try (I also have an insane number of saves, since I save my game roughly once a week in-game time) and report my findings.

EDIT: Well, I finally got of my duff, fixed a few more bugs in my KSP installation, and checked with the three person hibernation capsule--it does seem to work with IFI (hibernating each crewmember one by one, my onboard life support tripled, and then was untracked entirely). I guess the final test will be when I thaw Valentina and company, but it seems to work!


Believe they al lnow work. Closing.