DeepFreeze Continued...

DeepFreeze Continued...


Right-Click Not Working

Opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I just installed DeepFreeze to complement the life support mod I have (Snacks), and there appears to be a problem with its parts. If I add a stock part to a new design, I can right click the part and adjust autostrut, EC, etc. (everything you usually can). But after I add a DeepFreeze part, when I right click any part, nothing happens.

I have restarted KSP, Steam, and even my computer multiple times, and I've "verified the integrity of game files" twice, to no avail.



Sorry took so long to reply, this one completely slipped under my radar.
I see no errors related to DeepFreeze in the supplied log information.
Are you still experiencing issues with the latest version of KSP and DeepFreeze?