Dreamer (DREAM) by artwhaley

Dreamer (DREAM) by artwhaley


Clean out duplicate textures/models

zer0Kerbal opened this issue Β· 3 comments


Clean out duplicate textures/models


Not sure how it got to be like this but the duplicate parts cant be understood by me unless I'm aware of exactly what you did when you first adopted this. its from what i can tell a mash up of the original files and some kind of automated thing changing them when you forked/ cloned this. to add on to this, no matter what we do removing the duplicates is gonna cause patches and cfgs to break (especially mine) as they likely reference the wrong things. which makes me think the best way to deal with this is Russian rouletting the duplicates and then fixing the things it breaks:(


Not sure how it got to be like this but the duplicate parts cant be understood by me unless I'm aware of exactly what you did when you first adopted this. its from what i can tell a mash up of the original files and some kind of automated thing changing them when you forked/ cloned this. to add on to this, no matter what we do removing the duplicates is gonna cause patches and cfgs to break (especially mine) as they likely reference the wrong things. which makes me think the best way to deal with this is Russian rouletting the duplicates and then fixing the things it breaks:(

which is why the repo wasn't ready - until I get done with my initial work - things like this unfortunately happen.

when I get done with the phaseIS (1.5) and phaseII then it will be ready for further input. 99.99% of the core will be ready - including any file name changes, part title changes, etc.
