Foundations (FND)

Foundations (FND)


code throws errors

zer0Kerbal opened this issue ยท 0 comments

attachOffset = Vector3.op_Subtraction(this.fixedObject.get_transform().get_position(), ((Component)this.get_part()).get_transform().get_position());
Vector3 attachOffset = (fixedObject.transform.position - part.transform.position);

Foundation.cs lines 165-166

Severity Code Description File Line

  • Error CS0571 'GameObject.transform.get': cannot explicitly call operator or accessor Foundations Foundation.cs 165
  • Error CS0844 Cannot use local variable 'attachOffset' before it is declared. The declaration of the local variable hides the field 'Foundation.attachOffset'. Foundation.cs 165
  • Error CS0571 'Vector3.operator -(Vector3, Vector3)': cannot explicitly call operator or accessor Foundation.cs 165
  • Error CS0571 'PartModule.part.get': cannot explicitly call operator or accessor Foundation.cs 165