BDB Support
JonnyOThan opened this issue ยท 4 comments
- look through CLS patches
- Can't enter seats in LM after entering another part because it doesn't have a shell collider (needs code fix to find bounds of other colliders)
- Can we do anything about the hatch valves that are separate props?
- Depth masks?
- bluedog_Apollo_CrewPod_5crew / bdbKP0110internal2
- BDB_Gemini_LanderCan_Int
- BealeGeminiInt / Gemini_A_Int
- Lunar2 - seems to have a freeiva model already? but no supporting modules..
- Lunar3 - has freeiva model
- LunarLab - has freeiva model
- Lunar2Shelt - has freeiva model
- bdb_1p2iva
- bdb_mol_iva_large_module
- bdb_mol_iva_main_lab
- bdb_mol_iva_mercury
- bdb_mol_iva_small_module
- bdb_mol_iva_small_tube
- bdb_skylab_OWS_iva
- bdb_TRAILS_Gemini_B_Interior
Reviva support
- bluedog_Skylab_WetWorkshop
- bluedog_Saturn_S2_wetWorkshop
- bluedog_Skylab_VFB_lightweightWetWorkshop
Docking Ports
- bluedog_Apollo_CADS_active / bluedog_Apollo_CADS_passive
- bluedog_Apollo_ConeDockingPort / bluedog_Apollo_ProbeDockingPort
- bluedog_Apollo_APAS75
- bluedog_MOL_ForkDockingPort / bluedog_MOL_RingDockingPort
- bluedog_MOL_DockingPort
Things that reuse stock IVAs and need FreeIva hookup
- bluedog_Apollo_Block4_MissionModule
- bluedog_Skylab_VFB_ESM
- bluedog_Apollo_Block3_MissionModule
- bluedog_Gemini_InflatableAirlock (this uses Making History IVA)
- bluedog_Mercury_Capsule (uses mk1pod_IVA)
Crewed parts without IVAs
- bluedog_Skylab_EOSS_interstageModule
- bluedog_Skylab_multipleDockingAdapter
- bluedog_Skylab_airlockModule (plus _SAF suffixes)
- bluedog_Spacelab_airlockModule / bluedog_spacelab_forwardAdapter
- bluedog_Skylab_dockingNodeAdapter
- bluedog_Skylab_EOSS_aftMDA
- bluedog_Skylab_wetWorkshop_airlockMDA
- bluedog_spacelab_europeanModule
- bluedog_BigG_CylindricalSM_CargoModule
- bluedog_BigG_ConicSM_CargoModule
- bluedog_Gemini_1p5mShortSegment
- bluedog_Gemini_StructuralNode
- bluedog_Apollo_ASTP_DockingAdapter
- bluedog_Saturn_S2_wetWorkshop
- bluedog_MOL_FiveWayAdapter
- bluedog_MOL_ThreeWayAdapter
- bluedog_EarlyLunarShelter
- bluedog_LM_SheLab
Textures & Lights
- bluedog_Skylab_EOSS_interstageModule
- bluedog_Skylab_multipleDockingAdapter
- bluedog_Skylab_airlockModule (plus _SAF suffixes)
- bluedog_Spacelab_airlockModule / bluedog_spacelab_forwardAdapter
- bluedog_Skylab_dockingNodeAdapter
- bluedog_Skylab_EOSS_aftMDA
- bluedog_Skylab_wetWorkshop_airlockMDA
- bluedog_spacelab_europeanModule
- bluedog_Gemini_1p5mShortSegment
- bluedog_Gemini_StructuralNode
- bluedog_Apollo_ASTP_DockingAdapter
- bluedog_Saturn_S2_wetWorkshop
- bluedog_MOL_FiveWayAdapter
- bluedog_MOL_ThreeWayAdapter
- bluedog_EarlyLunarShelter
- bluedog_LM_SheLab
- bluedog_GeminiFerry_DockingAdapter
- bluedog_MiniLab_Adapter
- bluedog_Skylab_PMA
- heatshield passthrough
- skylab airlock seat module not hooked up
- skylab airlock eva hatch not working
- bluedog_prop_hatch
- bluedog_prop_lmhatch
- bluedog_prop_lmdoor
- Bluedog_FlightSeat_Passenger
- Hermes_Crew_A_Interior
This from draft 1 of my checking of Tantares, KNES, and BDB
Manned BDB Components [INCOMPLETE]
-Crew Modules:
Hermes Personal Reentry Capsule
Leo Vinci Command Pod
Kane 11-3 Command Pod
Kane 11-80MM Orbital Mission Module
Navalia-ASTP Diplomat Docking Module
Landers: (LEM has Unlisted Variants)
Dona Lander Module (Exact Name Unclear)
Sina-MLEM Ascent Stage Cockpit
Belle ORV
Augustus RRV (Rendezvous Resupply Vehicle)
Rhea ORV
MOS-DM Docking Mechanism
Bloc I Aardvark Advanced Automated Rendezvous Docking Vehicle (AARDV)
MOL Laboratory Segment
Gemini Station Parts (INCOMPLETE)
Kane-OCO Telescope Mount?
Hokulani-MDA Multiple Docking Adapter
Hokulani-ALM Airlock Module
Hokulani-OWS Orbital Workshop
Hokulani-WWS Wet Workshop
Hokulani-RAM Adapter Module
Hokulani-EALM Expansion Airlock Module
Hokulani-FRM Foreign Research Module???
Houkulani Light Wet Workshop
Sarnus Flyby Mission Module
-Docking Ports:
And this is draft 1 for you to look over if you like (I can do more digging I'm just unsure what you want listed)
This from draft 1 of my checking of Tantares, KNES, and BDB
While I appreciate the effort, it's more effective for me to find the INTERNAL nodes within BDB and then cross-reference to make sure they're actually used.