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Weightless movement should be faster when in contact with things

TwinIndifferent opened this issue ยท 0 comments

  1. Wall/Ladder crawling - whenever player in 0G has collidable wall/furniture near them, they get double the movement speed.
  2. Immersive Zero-G - whenever player has no contact with collidable wall/furniture, they keep the inertia from last movement until they get in contact with a new collidable object. Fire extinguishers allow to mitigate that. Optional with button press.
  3. Keep position and switch - whenever construction is in Landed state or does not accelerate in 0G, player can switch controls to other kerbal, leaving a static kerbal (phantom kerbal uses idle standing/floating animation, real one is returned to the chair) standing/floating in previous place. Whenever acceleration happens - all kerbals return to their seats (this is to prevent simulation of drifting and colliding with the wall). Player can switch with static kerbals.