Free IVA

Free IVA


Camera rotates while in atmosphere but not under enough acceleration to stand

SofieBrink opened this issue · 3 comments


@SofieBrink your altitude says 73km...where are you?

Does this happen when flying a plane? Can you provide a save file with minimal mods?


Huh yeah i wrote this down in a hurry and didn’t realise i’d hit send.

They clip was during re-entry in ksrss, so 73km is inside the atmosphere, it does also happen when flying a plane but not when freeiva is in “standing” mode, i’ll get you a craft file and some proper repro steps tomorrow.


Okay @JonnyOThan here's some proper repro steps, apologies for the wait.

  1. Install FreeIVA
  2. Construct or download a dragless craft
  3. Use the cheat menu to place the vessel in a 60km orbit around kerbin (inside the atmosphere)
  4. Enter FreeIVA mode and observe the weird camera rotation.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 at Tylo (Same radius, no atmosphere) and observe the expected result.

Cabin.txt(rename this to .craft)