Localization - Brazil Portuguese (Português Brasil) <pt-br.cfg>
zer0Kerbal opened this issue · 5 comments
- add pt-br.cfg
- Brazil Portuguese (Português Brasil) <pt-br.cfg>
Update Documentation
- mod Readme 🔢
- releaseNotes.md 🧾
GitHub Issues
- assign to zer0Kerbal
- assign projects (user and repo)
- assign label: Localization
- assign label: help-wanted
- assign milestone: Localization - Brazil Portuguese (Português Brasil) <pt-br.cfg>
Update Social Media
- CurseForge
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- SpaceDock
- update localization list
@Lisias vi um post de mercadinho, então deve ser br, bora fazer junto essa tradução? add discord pra gente só separar
@lemostrash You are most welcome to just proceed - @Lisias has asked me to tag him in all of my addons that need <pt-br.cfg> and when he finds time he said he will work on them (which he usually doesn't have much free ⏳ )
@Lisias vi um post de mercadinho, então deve ser br, bora fazer junto essa tradução? add discord pra gente só separar
@lemostrash just a FYI I will be pushing a release to this addon today. I will merge in this translation when it is completed.