JSI Advanced Transparent Pods

JSI Advanced Transparent Pods


NREs with JSI ATP, OSE Workshop and EPL module on the same part

EleusisLaArwall opened this issue ยท 2 comments


KSP: (win64) clean install; fresh sandbox

Problem: NREs with JSI ATP, OSE and EL module on the same part

Mods installed: (used latest versions available for KSP 1.1.2)
Module Manager 2.6.25
JSI Advanced Transparent Pods
Kerbal Inventory System 1.2.11 and 1.2.12 (only one at a time of course)
OSE Workshop 0.14.0
Extraplanetary Launchpads 5.3.2 (does not need to be installed to cause NRE)
Endurance (from Interstellar) Continued 1.1 (modified as described below)

Changes: (in GameData\Endurance\Parts\Ranger\ranger.cfg - line 255-267)

        name = ExWorkshop
        ProductivityFactor = 5
        name = OseModuleWorkshop
        ProductivityFactor = 0.25
        UpkeepResource = ElectricCharge
        MinimumCrew = 1
        Animate = false

Reproduction steps:
Just pick up the ranger in the VAB and NREs start.
If JSI Advanced Transparent Pods or Kerbal Inventory System or OSE Workshop is removed from the mod-list the NREs will no longer pop-up. It doesn't matter if EL is installed or not as long as the ExWorkshop module is configured. Without ExWorkshop module the NREs don't show up.
Other EL modules like ExSurveyStation seem to result in the same NREs.
If the OseModuleWorkshop module is removed the NREs stop.

Log: http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=89997290356445921367
(NREs start at line 17592)

Notes: I noticed these NREs with my own parts and to make sure that I haven't mis-configured them I tried to reproduce it with the Endurance mod in a fresh environment.
I'm not 100% sure that this is the right place to post because OSE seems to produce the first NRE but the majority involves ... JSIAdvTransparentPods ....


Sorry I cannot open you log file without signing up to that site. Which I won't.
Also, this is all on 1.1.2? Sugest you upgrade and try again. Otherwise this goes very low on my care o' meter.


Thanks for the fast reply. Can't reproduce it in KSP 1.1.3 at all. Sorry that I wasted your time on this.